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Helpful Information on Organic Farming

What is BioDynamic Farming?
by Yarrowhead Farms

In a biodiverse farm, every creature has its own reason to be. All parts are interconnected, interdependent, and all have a direct effect on one another. Read Amanda's article on why biodynamic farming is important for us, for wildlife, and for the climate.

A third of the food we consume and 80% of all U.S. crops rely on pollinators such as butterflies, birds, and bats. But why is the diminishing number of bees dominating the headlines? Find out why bees are so critical for our food supplies.

Biodynamic Gardening – An Overview

by Joe Lamp'l of

Biodynamics is truly a ‘holistic’ approach to gardening. It encompasses the principals of organic gardening while taking into consideration the basic cycles of nature. The goal is to restore and maintain balance of the earth and its ecosystems. 

The goal of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is to control populations of pests below levels that result in economic damage. Ideally, this is achieved through the integration of all suitable control techniques in a compatible manner. 

Beneficial Insects

by Planet Natural Research Center

A complete look at the insects that help defend against pests. This guide is designed to help you determine whether the bug you see in your garden is harmful or helpful. 

Compost is often called Gardener’s Gold, and rightly so. To a smart gardener, good compost is worth its weight in vegetables and then some. Take a look at how composting is essential for the health and vitality of any garden.

Native Plants & Pollinators


With the ongoing decline in numbers of honeybee colonies, we need native pollinators to provide pollination of food crops. Check out this terrific resource for educating yourself on the benefits and various species of pollinators in Oklahoma.

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